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Items are in-game equipment that provide heroes with bonus attributes and special abilities. They can be purchased from several shops on the game map. Lower tier items are combined into higher tier items, usually with the help of a recipe. Heroes have six item slots in their inventory, three in their backpack, and six more in their stash. Items can be picked up and delivered to their owner with a courier.

General information[edit | edit source]

  • Heroes cannot use items owned by other heroes, with a handful of exceptions. See Item Sharing for details.
  • Some items can be disassembled. See Disassembly for details.
  • Most items may be sold back to vendors for 100% of the gold spent either within 10 seconds after purchasing or until the item's active ability (if it has one) was used the first time.
    • After ten seconds have passed items may be sold back for only 50% of its price tag.
  • Some items, like the Gem of True Sight icon.png Gem of True Sight, cannot be sold.
  • Some dropped items can be destroyed by force-attacking them (default key: A).
  • Some items do not provide their effect to heroes with passive abilities providing the same or similar effect. For example, most heroes with a bash ability cannot use the passive ability from Skull Basher icon.png Skull Basher.
  • The shop at the enemy fountain can also be used to buy items, sell items, and access the stash.

Shops[edit | edit source]

There are three different shops per faction. One Base Shop, one Secret Shop and one Side Lane Shop. In the shop areas, items can be swapped from the backpack without time penalty.

Base Shop[edit | edit source]

The Base Shops are located within the Fountain are behind the Ancients. All basic items except the secret ones can be bought there. Additionally a majority of the upgrades can be completed there.
Main article: Base Shop

Secret Shop[edit | edit source]

Main article: Secret Shop
The Secret Shops are slightly hidden shops located near the center of the map. The shops allow players to buy items that cannot be bought elsewhere or to spend extra gold while in the early game.

Side Lane Shop[edit | edit source]

Main article: Side Lane Shop
Two Side Lane Shops can be found at the edges of the map. They allow players to buy certain useful items without returning to base.


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Terima kasih telah mendaftarkan dirimu. Pengumuman Tim yang lolos ke tahap berikutnya akan diumumkan melalui microsite pada tanggal 24 Maret 2017. Bagi Tim yang lolos, pastikan kamu melakukan registrasi ulang di GraPARI Makassar, JL A.P Pettarani No.2 Makassar, pada tanggal 24 Maret 2017. TERM OF USE PRIVACY POLICY 2017 © Telkomsel. All Rights Reserved        


hari kedua ini kami tidak terlalu sibuk karena kami hanya mengulangi kue yang di ajarkan Mr. edd kemarin dan melihat anak anak diklat praktik, hari ini kami kembali membuat butterfly cookies dan goudse moppen.  kami membuat nya beberapa kali karena yg pertama agak gagal, jadi kami mencoba lagi dan setelah itu kami membuat puff pastry baru untuk besok digunakan membuat butterfly cookies lagi.


ini adalah vegetable knife, terbuat dari stailess steel dan pegangannya terbuat dari plastic. pisau ini berfungsi untuk memotng sayur sayuran dan buah buahan cara membersihkannya sangat gampang cukup dengan sabun dan spons lalu keringkan ini naanya mixing dough atau dough mixer terbuat wadahnya terbuat dari stainless steel dan mesinnya terbuat dari besi dan baja. fungsinya adalah untuk mengaduk adonan roti dan kue kuean. cara memberihkannya, untuk mesinyna sendiri hanya menggunakan lap basah dan lap kering dan untuk wadahnya dibersihkan dengan sabun dan spons lalu dikeringkan kalau ini namanya measuring jug atau gelas ukur terbuat dari plastik dan fungsinya ntuk mengukur bahan berupa cairan cara membersihkannya sama dengan yg pertama dengan menggunakan sabun dan spons lalu